The Washington American School is committed to providing your child with quality, caring childcare in an excellent learning environment. The staff is constantly striving to make your child’s formal learning experience both fun and positive. In order to do so we need the support and cooperation of all parents. You can assist us in the following ways:
Preschool children are received at 7:20 am, Monday through Friday. Organized activities do not start until 8 AM; however, we are available at 7:20 am for your convenience. All preschool students need to be escorted into the building and signed in on the Attendance Sheet by a parent or person having permission to pick up the student. Please do not park in line or under the canopy. Upon arrival please be sure that a staff member is fully aware (per verbal communication) that your child is arriving. These times can get chaotic when there are several children arriving all at once, so for the safety of all, please verbally communicate with the staff member on duty that your child is being signed in. The preschool is required to maintain daily attendance records, These “Sign-in and Sign-out Attendance Sheets” are extremely important to ensure that all children are present and safe throughout the day and during evacuation drills as well.
Children will only be released to people authorized on the Registration Form. There are no exceptions. You may add people to your pick up list throughout the year. If your Preschooler is leaving school at noon, you must notice the school and the teacher. Upon departure please be sure that the staff member on duty is fully aware (per verbal communication) that your child is leaving. Also be sure that you sign your child out on the Attendance Sheet. If a preschooler has not been picked up by 3:15 pm, he/she will be sent to Aftercare. The parent will have to come into the building to get his/her child. If a preschooler is leaving school at 3:15 pm (or later), you will need to park and come into the building in order to sign the student”Sign-in and Sign-out Attendance” sheet.
Many of the most important activities of the day take place during the morning hours, starting at 8:00 am. Children who skip some of these activities because of their late arrival often “miss out” on a favorite play period, circle time, story time, or art project. Morning hours usually include planned activities, which are important in helping children develop social skills and abilities involving interaction with their peers, as well as self discipline. When children arrive late, it is a disruption for the other children that are focused on a project or are in the middle of circle time.
To help achieve the goal of allowing your child to become independent, emotionally healthy, and well adjusted, the following practices may be helpful:
We believe that fresh air and outdoor exercise are refreshing and healthy. We are convinced that children are healthier and happier when they play outside. In cold weather all children should come with appropriate outdoor play clothing, such as hats, boots, mittens, coats, etc. In extremely hot or cold weather the children will play in the gym.
We believe that fresh air and outdoor exercise are refreshing and healthy. We are convinced that children are healthier and happier when they play outside. In cold weather all children should come with appropriate outdoor play clothing, such as hats, boots, mittens, coats, etc. In extremely hot or cold weather the children will play in the gym.
Children’s clothing should be comfortable, allowing complete freedom of movement, washable, and suitable for daily indoor and outdoor activities. Since children spend time outdoors almost every day, parents should consider weather conditions when planning daily dress. To encourage development of independent bathroom skills, children’s clothing should be easy for them to manipulate with a minimum of assistance. Children must wear shoes which are practical as well as comfortable. A complete change of clothing should be kept in the child’s locker. Everything that your child wears or brings to school should be permanently labeled.
Except for special items needed to smooth the transition from home, toys and personal belongings should remain at home. This will avoid lost possessions and hurt feelings. We will make reasonable efforts to safeguard children’s personal belongings and clothing, but we will not be responsible for lost or damaged items. Please do not send toys from home. “Show and Tell” days will be scheduled in order to provide children with the opportunity to share a special toy with the class. Please make sure all toys brought into the classroom are clearly marked with your child’s name. Also, the child must understand that he/she will have to share the toy, and that it will have to be put away during class time. Children who will be napping at the school may bring a special toy/stuffed animal to sleep with, but he/she will need to put it away after their nap. Candy, gum, should never be brought to school. Anything left at the school more than 30 days after termination of services will be discarded due to room space.
Birthdays and holidays are an especially exciting time for young children, and the preschool will be pleased to help your child celebrate with classmates and staff. Please discuss this with your child’s teacher prior to the date. If parents would like to send special treats such as cupcakes for their child’s birthday, they should notify the teacher in advance and be certain to bring enough for each child in the class. Birthday party invitations may be handed out at the school ONLY if every child in the class receives an invitation.
Preschool students must bring their lunch each day. All containers and lids must be labeled with your child’s name. Healthy lunches need to include one item from the following food groups:
We do have several microwaves available for heating lunches; however, we ask that you send items that take less than a minute to heat. You know your child best and what they will eat.
Please do not send candy or gum for lunch. Also, breakfast is not provided; therefore, please be sure that your child is fed prior to coming to school. Notify the Principal and the teacher of any dietary restrictions. We must receive the written statement of a physician or licensed dietician for special therapeutic diets.
The Washington American School is a “Peanut Free” facility. Because of the increasing incidents of children having violent allergic reactions to peanut butter and peanut products, we ask that you please help us by not sending any peanut products to school with your child.
No child who has a contagious or infectious disease should come to school. Please be considerate of other parents and children, and keep your child home if the child exhibits any of the symptoms listed below:
A parent will be called to come and pick up your child any time your child exhibits any of the above listed symptoms or is unable to participate in daily activities.
NOTE: We are not a sick-child facility. Please keep your child home if he/she is ill.
If your child has symptoms of a possible communicable disease, please do not bring them to the preschool. These symptoms include:
Communicable diseases include:
Please notify the school at once if your child does have a communicable disease.
Head lice are not a respecter of persons and can easily spread from one child to another. For this reason, if head lice are found on your child, you will be called to come get your child. Do not return your child to school until he/she has been treated and there are no nits in the hair. Once all nits are removed, your child may return to school but you will need to bring him/her to the school office before returning to class. The school does retain the right to periodically check your child for head lice. If you have any questions about head lice, or are not sure how to properly check your child for head lice, please contact the school office, your pharmacist, or your family doctor.
Medicine is dispensed at the school subject to the following conditions:
In case of any emergency the parent/guardian will be called. If we cannot reach either parent, then we will try to reach the individual listed on the child’s Medical Emergency Form. The parent/guardian must complete and sign an authorization for emergency medical treatment. Of course, we hope we will never need this authorization, but we want to be sure your child receives the attention he/she needs should such an emergency arise. If a child is injured while in our care, our first step is to administer First Aid, as necessary. In the event we cannot contact the parent/guardian or doctor designated on the application, we will see that your child receives the emergency medical treatment he/she needs from a doctor or hospital. The parent/guardian will be expected to assume the responsibility for any resulting expense.
The Washington American School is required by law to report any apparent incident of child abuse or neglect defined as “non-accidental infliction or threat of infliction of physical, emotional, or mental harm to a child.” All such reports must contain the name and address of the child, the name and address of the person responsible for the care of the child, and any other pertinent information.
Occasionally, we may have the opportunity to take a field trip. All children will be placed in safety-approved car seats as required by law. You will be required to provide a car seat for your child. You will also need to sign a Medical/Liability Release Form. Copies of the Medical/Liability Release form with a picture of each child attached will be taken on the field trip. In the event of an emergency away from the school, your child will be cared for and you will be notified.
The Washington American School has no legal authority to refuse to release a child to either parent unless a court order has granted temporary or legal custody to one parent or a third party. In such cases it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the Academy with a copy of the order and with the court’s signature. Because we cannot honor verbal requests, it is imperative that we have a copy of the court order on file.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Administrator or Director, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We always welcome positive input from parents. We continually strive to provide the best possible care for your child.